Why Hotels and Hostels Should Use Wallpaper in Decor

The times when people would pop into a hotel or hostel only because it provided the bare minimum are over. These days, people look at the little details that make a hotel stand out, and this includes styling and home … Read More

What to Do Before Booking Hotels and Hostels

The accommodation you choose when travelling can make or break your entire experience. There is nothing as frustrating as checking into your hotel or hostel only to realise that it falls short of your expectations. The process of finding a … Read More

Eco-friendly Hostels of Europe

It’s not just hotels that are kicking themselves into gear when it comes to their green policy. Hostels overall are better for the environment with th … Read More

How Hostels and Hotels are Changing

Look around any accommodation today and you may notice small signs of a more environmentally-friendly hotel or facility. The first one that might come … Read More

Choosing Sustainable Accommodation

Traveling responsibly is something we can all do. This starts with where we stay. Hotels that aren’t acting in an eco-friendly way are a major part of … Read More

Hotels Near the Eiffel Tower

If you desire to spend a vacation in Paris looking over the Eiffel Tower, you are in luck. There are undoubtedly a lot of affordable hotels around the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Kids particularly enjoy the view, which is why … Read More

The Continued Growth of Hostels and Hotels

As the global travel market remains incredibly robust in the midst of the ongoing economic crisis, the ways people do travel have wildly diversified – not least our hostel and hotel habits. The hotel industry now faces stiff competition and … Read More

Eating Sustainably and Consciously When Traveling

Travelers should consider that, beyond just the cost of food, where it came from is important as well, as sustainability is important in ensuring we c … Read More

Indicators of Sustainable Accommodation

Hotels and hostels are making a concerted effort to be more eco-friendly, green, sustainable, all of which mean pretty much the same thing. This can m … Read More